back to characters!


Pronouns - He/him, they/them

Gender - Male

Presentation - Typically androgynous or masculine

Orientation - Bi-curious

Age - 16-23

Species - Albinistic impala









Rose Gold


Artist's note - you don't need to use exact hex codes in your piece, this is just for additional reference.


Jairus is a very shy, soft-spoken person for the most part. At heart though, they are very exploratory and curious - choosing to search for answers to his questions behind books and research sessions over asking questions in person. Being isolated from others until late in his life (undecided, ~13-16,) Jairus is awkward and struggles with social interactions. Although he's naturally compassionate, he often shows it in strange ways and can be accidentally off-putting to those he tries to befriend. This pattern made him a bit of an outcast in school. He has a strong distrust of others due to his traumatic upbringing, even if he isn't acutely aware of it (as a younger teen, begins healing properly out of high school/18+.) It mostly manifests in people-pleasing and fawning/freezing behaviors.

After graduating high school, separating from his family, and moving on to college (not sure what he's studying yet,) Jairus was able to come to more realizations about his childhood. They were able to finally access professional mental help, and begin a proper healing journey. Although he is still very quiet and prefers to watch things from the background, he has begun to make friends, be less afraid of the world around him, and ask more questions about the things he sees and experiences. (His backstory is SUPPPPPER rough and not put together so take any lore-related stuff with a grain of salt tbh)

Physical Details

Very tall and naturally lanky. His head hair grows curly and long, formerly down to his back. He cut and dyed it to a pink ombre after leaving his family, keeping it consistently groomed and a bit past shoulder length. The other pink bits on their body however are natural, with inexplicable furred-freckles and pink skin showing through on places like his belly, knees, etc. He is skinny and fairly weak, but fast and graceful. His hands have hoof-tipped fingers. They must wear glasses, choosing circular frames.


To be added


Mainly just ideas for artists! Go crazy


  • Reading
  • Track/running
  • Dancing (in private)
  • Fur, horn/hoof, hair care


  • Fruit smoothies
  • Salads, loves arugula
  • Fancy cheeses
  • Generally vegetarian


  • Cacti & carnivorous plants
  • Childhood deer plush
  • Gentle, warm lighting
  • Flowing or form-fitting, easy-to-move-in clothes

Hover for art credit. If you're having difficulty finding an artist, feel free to contact us and ask, but be aware many may be lost to time due to deleted accounts or changed usernames.